We LOVE our School

We LOVE Our School

100% of every dollar raised through February 28th will go directly toward the purchase of high interest, engaging books - both fiction and non-fiction - for teachers and students to use in group learning.

More details
Ready Set Go

Dining for Dollars - Red Robin - February 26 All Day!

Red Robin Washington Square is donating 20% of all sales all day!

Check it out!
Sparky Flying

Sparky's Scoop

Check out the latest Scoop!

Get the Scoop!

Sign Up For Volunteer Shifts

Already signed up in Raptor and looking for volunteer shifts?

If you have already been approved please check out our Volunteering webpage for information on how to sign up for shifts in ParentSquare.

Volunteering Information
Thank You Volunteers

Ready, Set, Volunteer!

We love our volunteers at Sexton Mountain! To visit the building during student hours (8:15-3:05) you need to be registered as a volunteer. Register now so you're all set for fun activities like Jog-A-Thon, classroom events, Field Day, etc.

Beaverton School District has implemented a new volunteer management system, Raptor, and all those interested in volunteering must apply (or re-apply).

  • If you have completed your application, be on the lookout for a confirmation email from Raptor System. This will contain your username and links to setup your account.
  • If you have not yet completed your application, please start on the Volunteer webpage on the School District website. The entire process — including the review of the Child Abuse Prevention & Reporting and Adult Sexual Misconduct training materials — should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

The District has also adopted the Raptor Safe app, which aims to help make the check-in process even better when volunteering and visiting the school.  Check out the District's post on ParentSquare for more details on signing up to use the app!

Lots of volunteering shifts are posted weekly, including favorite at-school opportunities for Teacher Help, Sparky’s Running Club, Walking School Bus, Workroom Help shifts, and more!

SME PTC Sponsor Logos

Sexton Mountain PTC would like to THANK these companies for their support!

Please frequent their business and let them know how much we appreciate their commitment to giving back to the communities where they work and live!

If interested in sponsorship, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/kaHt82EkFMiA...

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Looking for an easy way to contribute or ordering something from the PTC?
Visit Our Payment Page