Why Does the PTC Fundraise?
Fundraising helps support the needs of our school, our students, and the staff at Sexton Mountain. Though the school receives funding from the district for priority needs, the school needs to supplement that in order to maintain or replace many of the outdated items in our school and provide enrichment opportunities to all students. Annual fundraising supports:
- technology items such as Apple TVs, iPad stands, and other technology resources that are provided to Sexton Mountain's teachers to enhance classroom instruction
- class- and grade-specific projects including learning about the Iditarod, raising butterflies, learning engineering principles through bridge building, and BizTown
- classroom parties and school-wide assemblies
- funding for field trips and enrichment programs such as trips to the children's theater, pumpkin-patch visits, art literacy, passport club, OBOB, and Sparky's running club
- replacement of recess and PE equipment and the annual Field Day
- family events such as trunk-or-treat, the STEAM fair, culture fair, bingo nights, and an annual back-to-school ice cream social
The PTC strives to help our children succeed by ensuring that all students are set up for success and have the ability to participate in learning opportunities they would otherwise not have available. As such, we do not take for granted the financial support Sexton Mountain families and our greater community provide. We know that each dollar takes time and energy to raise, and each donation of time and services allows those dollars to stretch even further. Thank you for all you do to help support Sexton Mountain.

What types of annual fundraisers take place at Sexton Mountain?
The two biggest fundraisers each year are the Jog-a-thon in the fall and an annual "We LOVE Our School" fundraiser in the spring. The Jog-a-thon provides much of the seed money for on-going requests that come up annually. In contrast, the spring fundraiser is a targeted write-a-check campaign that directly addresses a need that the school has identified and where a measurable impact can be made.
Why are kids asked to raise funds for the school? Does my student have to participate?
As part of a community, we recognize that every person has a part in its success. This includes families and students themselves. Our focus is on the benefit of collective effort toward a single goal. Fundraising allows us to expand the opportunities for your child and family to engage in meaningful learning and connect with others. In addition, we attempt to make fundraising fun through a variety of incentives. We greatly value volunteering and other donations as well, but there is still a need for money to support many of the extra programs that are offered and to help the school purchase or replace items. Without fundraising, we would not be able to offer the same support for students and classrooms.
We encourage students and families to decide for themselves whether or how much to donate. Students are not required to participate in any fundraising efforts at all. Full stop. Please also be aware that there are other ways to help raise funds for Sexton Mountain which also have an important impact - through community partner programs such as Fred Meyer Rewards, can donations, Dining for Dollars events, and company matching programs for volunteering and monetary donations - which might be a better fit for your family.

How can I know what exatly the money is spent on?
The PTC's annual budget is a good place to start. In addition, we welcome questions via e-mail and in quarterly meetings. Our goal is to be transparent with our community, so please ask if you can't find the answer!